Add an Administrator
To add an office administrator user, follow these steps:
Step 1: Click on "caregivers".
Step 2: Click on "add new"
NOTE: It is advised before adding any new staff member to search the caregiver status as "All" to make sure this worker has not been added before. This helps prevent unwanted duplicates.
Step 3: In personal information go to "User Role". In the drop down menu click on "Administrator".
Step 4: Fill in required fields.
Step 5: Click on "Create Web User". A new area will open with info for web user.
Step 6: Create "User Id" and "Password".
NOTE: A suggested User Id and password format is as follows: User Id - First initial of first name, last name and organization code. Temporary password is organization code and year.
NOTE: This password is temporary and the system will have you change password the first time you log in.
Step 7: Scroll to bottom of page and click on "save personal".