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Calendar Alerts

Calendar Alerts 

Unclosed Visits 

In  the calendar section, if you see a Clients name in red, this is an  alert letting you know that there is something for you to investigate  happening with the visit. 

Hover your mouse over the name to see the information about the visit, in particular, the specific reason for the alert. 

Closed Visits 

When a visit is closed but  there is an issue that violates one of your business rules, magnifying  glass will appear after the Client’s name in the Visit block. Magnifying  glasses allow quick glance to identifying issues with a clock in.  

A red magnifying glass represents a problem with the visit.  

Reasons could be: 

To review the issue click on the red magnifying glass. 

A new tab will open with all the details of the visit.

The issues creating the red magnifying glass will be recorded in red text as show in the above example.  

Click “Override” to manually adjust the errors.   

NOTE You can do this for each exception. 

Then to approve the Override, click “Approval Notes”. 

A pop up will appear to allow an “Approved Reason” drop down menu and notes. 

Click “Approve” to save. 

After the exceptions have been approved, the magnifying glass on the Schedule Board will turn white.  This will indicate that there was an exception with this visit, but it has been resolved. 

If you scroll down to the bottom of your screen, it will give you a color-coded count (in real time) of the status of each visit. It will illustrate the count of statuses including Arrived, Departed, Closed, Cancelled, Door Tag, and so on.

Next it may be helpful to learn about the "Visit Closure Report"