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How to Enter Time Sheet Manually - Reporting Visit Completion & Tasks

For an occasion when a  paper timesheet needs to be entered into the system manually, Ankota  allows Office Administrators the ability to report task completion and  Reporting of Visit Completion, or “closing” of the visit.  

Here  are the steps to report task completion and to close the visit (enter  in clock in/clock out times to Report Visit Completion).

Step #1

In the Main Menu, Click on "Visits”.

Step #2

From the “Visits”, set the parameters for the visit or visits you’d like to view and click search:

Step #3

Scroll  down to view the Visit(s) from your search.  In the far right corner  (some screens may require using the horizontal scroll bar to view), you  can click on an icon (pictured below):

Step #4

NOTE:  The following steps can be taken in conjunction with the previous three  steps or they can be done separately, depending upon the scenario.

In  order to Report Visit Completion, you first search for the visits(s)  per the above instructions.  You can either select a single visit from  the list, a few, or all of the visits listed. 

To select one or a  selection, simple click the check box on the left of each visit you’d  like to affect.  To Select All, you can click the “Select All” check box  in the top right corner of the visit list.

Step #5

Once  you have selected the visit or visits you’d like to Close, scroll down  to the bottom of the screen to the cluster of buttons there and click  “Report Visit Completion”.

A  box will appear where you can enter in the needed times.  Once  complete, be sure to click “Save” on the bottom of the box (see  screenshot below).

Now that you have followed these steps, you can now invoice for the visit(s) you Closed.