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How To Message A Caregiver Via Telephony Or Mobile App

Communicating with your workers in the field while you are  in the office via telephony or Ankota’s mobile app is a convenient way  for your agency to keep in touch with your caregivers. 

To message your Caregiver, follow these steps:

Step 1

Login into your organization account, using code of your organization.

Step 2

Click on "Actions/Requests" tab on the menu bar located on the left side of your screen.

Step 3

On the next screen, click on "Create New Action" button.

Step 4

Once a new window pops up, cancel the "tags" (“Select All Tags” should not be selected) and click “Apply”.

Step 5

On the next screen, choose "Send to Caregiver" from the send to drop-down list.


Step 6

Next, select a Caregiver to send the message to from the Caregiver drop-down list highlighted on the picture below:

Step 7

Next, check the box "Send to telephony/mobile”.

Step 8

Lastly,  write your note to the Caregiver in the “Action” field. Additionally,  you can add title to your message in the “Title” field.

IMPORTANT: Put the note in “Action” field, rather than “Title” field.


Step 9

Click “Send” once you are ready to send your message.

Viewing the Message


To  view your message, your Caregiver will need to login with his/her ID  into (for example,  Notification of a new message will appear on a home screen.

Next, your Caregiver will need to click “Show Messages”.



The message will appear on the screen:

After the message has been read, and the Caregiver has pressed “Back” the message will disappear from the Caregiver's device.