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Ankota includes a variety of printable reports. Many customers also have custom reports they have had Ankota create for them.  This document will examine the standard reports included in the base Ankota homecare system.  

The Basics 

Finding Reports - Most of the standard reports can be found under the Reporting menu option on the Main Menu. 


Click on the Reporting menu option to see the list of reports. 


Note that the reports are shown in a list format.  Ankota is creating categories for reports and will be putting reports into the following categories: 

Each report will be sorted into the applicable category to make the reports easier to locate. 

Additional reports will be created and added within the various categories.   

Occasionally, reports will be located in their respective main menu items.  Two examples of this are:  

Running Reports 

To run a report, simply click on the report name from the list that appears in the drop down box. 

Each report has its own set of filters.  Filters allow reports to serve multiple functions so that a single report can replace many different reports by simply selecting different filters.  For example, a Worker Hours report can serve as a “flash” report of month to date hours, or a quarterly report or even an annual report, all by simply choosing different starting and ending dates for the report. 


Similarly, this same Worker Hours report can be produced in Summary, Summary with Short Detail, Detail (full), or produced as a Quickbooks Hours report. 

So in total, this one Worker Hours report can serve as four differently laid out reports, each of which can be produced for any desired date range, Meaning one report can serve the purposes of 20 different reports! 

Report: Worker Hours
Type Selection:
Any Period
Summary with Short Detail
QuickBooks Export

Thus, with only two filter variables, Date Range and Type, Ankota is able to deliver the same results as 20 different reports on most other systems.  For that reason, Ankota requires fewer individual reports than most other system. 

Once the filters have been entered or selected, to run the report, click on the Refresh button. 

The report will appear as shown below. 

Reports can be printed to a printer.  However, to add further additional functionality and capability, most reports can also be saved in common working file formats as follows: 



Below is the current listing of standard reports available in Ankota with a brief description of each report.  Your specific reports may vary from this list if you have had Ankota create custom reports for your agency. 

Reports List 


Report Name
Sorting & Data Included
Time/Travel Report
  • Date Range 
  • Caregiver 
Sorted by Date and Caregiver.  
Includes: Date of Visit, Visit time, Travel Time, Admin Time, Work Time, Total Time, Arrival Time, Departure Time, Mileage, Errand Miles, Patient (Member), Worker, Status. 
Visit Closure Report
  • Client 
  • Caregiver 
  • Visit Status 
  • Date Range 
Sorted by Date and Time.  
Includes: Caregiver, Client Name, Care Plan, Visit Type, Arrival Date/Time, Departure Date/Time, Visit Status.
Report Printout (Visit Report)
  • Appointment Start Date 
  • Appointment End Date 
  • Worker 
  • Service Name 
  • Client Name 
Sorted by Date.  
Includes: Service Name, Patient Name, Member Name, Appointment Date, Status.
Skills Report

Sorted by Worker.
Includes: Name, ID, Member ID, Status, Department, (List of skills as set by the agency).
Workers Report
  • Caregiver Last Name 
Sorted by Worker Last Name.
Includes: First Name, Last Name, Street, City, State, Postal Code, Primary Phone. Secondary Phone, Email Address, Birth Date, Hiring Date, ID, Ankota ID, Department, Pay Table, Status.
Weekly Totals Report
  • Date 
Sorted by Department.
Includes: This Week, Last Week, 2 Weeks Ago, 3 Weeks Ago, 4 Weeks Ago, 5 Weeks Ago, 6 Weeks Ago, 7 Weeks Ago, 8 Weeks Ago, 9 Weeks Ago, 10 Weeks Ago, 11 Weeks Ago, 12 Weeks ago.
Recap By Worker
  • Date 
Sorted by Date.
Includes: Caregiver Name, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Total, Last Week, Week Before, Department.
Recap By Patient (Member)
  • Date 
Sorted by Date.
Includes: Caregiver Name, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Total, Last Week, Week Before, Department.

Report Name
Sorting & Data Included
Audit Report
  • Date Range 
  • Client Last Name 
  • Client First Name 
  • Caregiver Last Name 
  • Caregiver First Name 
Sorted by Day of week.
Day of the week, Date, Expected Time In, Expected Time Out, Telephony Time In, Telephony Time Out, Overridden Time In, Overridden Time Out, Billed Visit Hours, Scheduled Hours, Telephony Hours, Travel Mileage, Employee Name, Employee ID, Client Name, Client ID, Department, Expected Client Phone Number, Actual Phone Number In, Actual Phone Number Out, Violation Phone In, Violation Phone Out, Visit Type, Approval Reason, Approval Notes, Approved By, Visit ID, Violation Time In, Violation Time Out, Expected Duration, Actual Duration, Violation Duration, Violation GPS Arrival, Violation GPS Departure, Violation, Holiday Hours, Visit Notes.
Patient Detail Printout
  • Date Range 
  • Include former and deceased clients 
  • Include visit notes 
  • Include visit details 
  • Client Name 
  • Care Plan 
Sorted by Employee
Includes: Arrival Date, Departure Date, Duration in Hrs/Min, Program Type, Visit Reason, Tasks (enumerated), Arrival Telephone Number, Departure Telephone Number, Employee First Name, Employee Last Name, Employee Discipline, Employee ID.
Client Download
  • Last name 
  • Referring Program 
Sorted by Client Last Name.
Includes: First Name, Last Name, Street, City, State Code, Postal Code, Primary Phone, Secondary Phone, ID, Ankota ID, Bill Code, Bill Code 24, Pay Code, Pay Code 24, Department, Birth Date, Status, Skills.
Visit Data Warehouse
  • Date From 
  • Date To 
  • Plan Type 
Sorted by Worker Last Name.
Includes: Visit Date, Patient Name, Agency Name, Worker Name, Dentist Name, Scheduled Start, Scheduled End, Actual Start, Actual End, Bill Rate, Upcharge, Bill Amount, Pay Rate, Bonus, Pay Amount, Visit Status, Visit Number, Service Type, CRM Status, Effective Date, Plan Name, CRM Status DOS, Effective Date DOS, Plan DOS, Department, Birth Date, Status, Skills.
Monthly Totals Report
  • Date  
Sorted by Department.
Includes: Department, This Month, Last Month, Two Months Ago, Three Months Ago, Four Months Ago, Five Months Ago, Six Months Ago, Seven Months Ago, Eight Months Ago, Nine months Ago, Ten Months Ago, Eleven Months Ago, Twelve Months Ago.


Report Name
Sorting & Data Included
Telephony Audit Summary
  • Date Range 
  • Worker 
Sorted by Employee Name.
Includes: Employee Name, Time In Violation, Time Out Violation, Duration Violation, Phone In Violation, Phone Out Violation, FVV In Violation, FVV Out Violation, Voice Sign In violation, Voice Sign Out Violation, GPS Arrival Violation, GPS Departure Violation, Visits With Violations, Total Visits, Percent Compliance.
Payroll Download Report
  • Date Range 
  • Referring Program 
  • Patient 
  • Visit Date 
Sorted by Employee Name.
Includes: Employee Name, Client Name, Payer Name, Visit Type, Date, Start Time, End Time, Total Hours, Rate, Total, Mileage, Travel Time.
Invoice Download Report
  • Date Range 
  • Referring Program 
  • Patient 
  • Visit Date/Invoice Date 
Sorted by Client Name.
Includes: Client Name, Worker Name, Payer Name, Visit Type, Date, Start Time, End Time, Total Hours, Rate, Total Charge, Mileage.
Patient Care Plan Report
  • Date  
  • Last Name 
Sorted by Patient Name.
Includes: Patient ID, Ankota Plan Name, Plan Type, Active From, Active To.
Patient Worker History Report
  • First Name 
  • Last Name 
Sorted by Patient Name.
Includes: Worker Name, Cell Phone, Patient Name, Last Date.
Payer Download Report
  • Patient Last Name 
Sorted by Client Last Name.
Includes: Client First Name, Client Last Name, Payer First Name, Payer Lat Name, Address 1, City, State Code, Postal Code, Primary Phone Secondary Phone, Payer ID.

Report Name
Sorting & Data Included
Worker Hours Report
  • Date Range 
  • Type: 
  • Summary 
  • Summary Short 
  • Detail 
  • QuickBooks Export 
Sorted by Client Last Name.
SUMMARY Includes: Worker ID, Worker Name, Regular Hours, Regular Pay Per Hour, Total Regular Pay, Overtime Hours, Overtime Pay Per Hour, Total Overtime Pay, Other, Adjustments, Total, Units (Hours x 4).
SUMMARY SHORT Includes: Worker Name, Worker Department, Regular Hours, Regular Pay Per Hour, Overtime Hours, Overtime Pay Per Hour, Adjustments.
DETAIL Includes: Worker ID, Worker Name, Date, Patient Name, Duration, Rate, Amount, Type.
QUICKBOOKS EXPORT Includes: Worker Name, Regular Hours, Regular Pay Per Hour, Total Regular Pay, Overtime Hours, Overtime Pay Per Hour, Total Overtime Pay, Other, Adjustments, Total, Units (Hours x 4).
Authorize Service Warnings Report
  • Month 
  • Warning Type 
  • Visit Type 
  • Patient 
  • Threshold (%) 
Sorted by Patient Last Name.
Includes: Patient Name, Start-End Dates, Visit Type, Period, Authorized Hours/Units, Prediction %, Remaining Units, Remaining Visits, Recommendations, Period Warnings, Monthly Warnings, Seek 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5.
Quarterly Unit Usage Report
  • Year 
  • Quarter 
Sorted by Visit Type Category.
Includes: Agency, Visit Type Category, Total Paid Claims, Number of Patients, Total Units Authorized, Total Units Delivered, Agency Total.
Invoice Summary Report
  • Month 
  • Referring program 
  • Patient 
Sorted by Date.
Includes: Date, Agency, Name, Invoice Total, Amount, Type, Chank Number, Account Number, Notes, Total Paid.


Time/Travel Report 


Sorting & Data Included
  • Date Range 
  • Caregiver 
Sorted by Date and Caregiver.  
Includes: Date of Visit, Visit time, Travel Time, Admin Time, Work Time, Total Time, Arrival Time, Departure Time, Mileage, Errand Miles, Patient (Member), Worker, Status. 


Visit Closure Report  


Sorting & Data Included
  • Client 
  • Caregiver 
  • Visit Status 
  • Date Range 
Sorted by Date and Time.  
Includes: Caregiver, Client Name, Care Plan, Visit Type, Arrival Date/Time, Departure Date/Time, Visit Status.



 Visit Report Printout 


Sorting & Data Included
  • Appointment Start Date 
  • Appointment End Date 
  • Worker 
  • Service Name 
  • Client Name 
Sorted by Date.  
Includes: Service Name, Patient Name, Member Name, Appointment Date, Status.


Skills Report  

Sorting & Data Included
  • None 
Sorted by Worker Last Name.  
Includes: Name, ID, Member ID, Status, Department, (List of skills as set by the agency).

Workers Report (Caregivers Download Report) 


Sorting & Data Included
  • Caregiver Last Name 
Sorted by Worker Last Name.
Includes: First Name, Last Name, Street, City, State, Postal Code, Primary Phone. Secondary Phone, Email Address, Birth Date, Hiring Date, ID, Ankota ID, Department, Pay Table, Status.


Weekly Totals Report 


Sorting & Data Included
  • Date 
Sorted by Department.
This Week, Last Week, 2 Weeks Ago, 3 Weeks Ago, 4 Weeks Ago, 5 Weeks Ago, 6 Weeks Ago, 7 Weeks Ago, 8 Weeks Ago, 9 Weeks Ago, 10 Weeks Ago, 11 Weeks Ago, 12 Weeks ago.



Recap By Worker 


Sorting & Data Included
  • Date 
Sorted by Date.
Caregiver Name, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Total, Last Week, Week Before, Department.


Recap By Patient (Member) 

Sorting & Data Included
  • Date 
Sorted by Date.
Caregiver Name, Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Total, Last Week, Week Before, Department.


Audit Report 


Sorting & Data Included
  • Date Range 
  • Client Last Name 
  • Client First Name 
  • Caregiver Last Name 
  • Caregiver First Name 
Sorted by Day of week.
Day of the week, Date, Expected Time In, Expected Time Out, Telephony Time In, Telephony Time Out, Overridden Time In, Overridden Time Out, Billed Visit Hours, Scheduled Hours, Telephony Hours, Travel Mileage, Employee Name, Employee ID, Client Name, Client ID, Department, Expected Client Phone Number, Actual Phone Number In, Actual Phone Number Out, Violation Phone In, Violation Phone Out, Visit Type, Approval Reason, Approval Notes, Approved By, Visit ID, Violation Time In, Violation Time Out, Expected Duration, Actual Duration, Violation Duration, Violation GPS Arrival, Violation GPS Departure, Violation, Holiday Hours, Visit Notes.




Most customers use this report as an export to Excel where they determine which columns to retain and which to discard. 

Patient Detail Printout 


Sorting & Data Included
  • Date Range 
  • Include former and deceased clients 
  • Include visit notes 
  • Include visit details 
  • Client Name 
  • Care Plan 
Sorted by Employee
Includes: Arrival Date, Departure Date, Duration in Hrs/Min, Program Type, Visit Reason, Tasks (enumerated), Arrival Telephone Number, Departure Telephone Number, Employee First Name, Employee Last Name, Employee Discipline, Employee ID.



Client Download 


Sorting & Data Included
  • Last name 
  • Referring Program 
Sorted by Client Last Name.
Includes: First Name, Last Name, Street, City, State Code, Postal Code, Primary Phone, Secondary Phone, ID, Ankota ID, Bill Code, Bill Code 24, Pay Code, Pay Code 24, Department, Birth Date, Status, Skills.



Visit Data Warehouse 


Sorting & Data Included
  • Date From 
  • Date To 
  • Plan Type 
Sorted by Worker Last Name.
Includes: Visit Date, Patient Name, Agency Name, Worker Name, Dentist Name, Scheduled Start, Scheduled End, Actual Start, Actual End, Bill Rate, Upcharge, Bill Amount, Pay Rate, Bonus, Pay Amount, Visit Status, Visit Number, Service Type, CRM Status, Effective Date, Plan Name, CRM Status DOS, Effective Date DOS, Plan DOS, Department, Birth Date, Status, Skills.



Monthly Totals Report 


Sorting & Data Included
  • Date  
Sorted by Department.
Includes: Department, This Month, Last Month, Two Months Ago, Three Months Ago, Four Months Ago, Five Months Ago, Six Months Ago, Seven Months Ago, Eight Months Ago, Nine months Ago, Ten Months Ago, Eleven Months Ago, Twelve Months Ago.




Telephony Audit Summary 


Sorting & Data Included
  • Date Range 
  • Worker 
Sorted by Employee Name.
Includes: Employee Name, Time In Violation, Time Out Violation, Duration Violation, Phone In Violation, Phone Out Violation, FVV In Violation, FVV Out Violation, Voice Sign In violation, Voice Sign Out Violation, GPS Arrival Violation, GPS Departure Violation, Visits With Violations, Total Visits, Percent Compliance.


Payroll Download Report  


Sorting & Data Included
  • Date Range 
  • Referring Program 
  • Patient 
  • Visit Date 
Sorted by Employee Name.
Includes: Employee Name, Client Name, Payer Name, Visit Type, Date, Start Time, End Time, Total Hours, Rate, Total, Mileage, Travel Time.


Invoice Download Report 

Sorting & Data Included
  • Date Range 
  • Referring Program 
  • Patient 
  • Visit Date/Invoice Date 
Sorted by Client Name.
Includes: Client Name, Worker Name, Payer Name, Visit Type, Date, Start Time, End Time, Total Hours, Rate, Total Charge, Mileage.


Patient Care Plan Report 


Sorting & Data Included
  • Date  
  • Last Name 
Sorted by Patient Name.
Includes: Patient ID, Ankota Plan Name, Plan Type, Active From, Active To.



Patient Worker History Report 


Sorting & Data Included
  • First Name 
  • Last Name 
Sorted by Patient Name.
Includes: Worker Name, Cell Phone, Patient Name, Last Date.


Payer Download Report 


Sorting & Data Included
  • Patient Last Name 
Sorted by Client Last Name.
Includes: Client First Name, Client Last Name, Payer First Name, Payer Lat Name, Address 1, City, State Code, Postal Code, Primary Phone Secondary Phone, Payer ID.



Worker Hours Report 


Sorting & Data Included
  • Date Range 
  • Type: 
  • Summary 
  • Summary Short 
  • Detail 
  • QuickBooks Export 
Sorted by Client Last Name.
SUMMARY Includes: Worker ID, Worker Name, Regular Hours, Regular Pay Per Hour, Total Regular Pay, Overtime Hours, Overtime Pay Per Hour, Total Overtime Pay, Other, Adjustments, Total, Units (Hours x 4).
SUMMARY SHORT Includes: Worker Name, Worker Department, Regular Hours, Regular Pay Per Hour, Overtime Hours, Overtime Pay Per Hour, Adjustments.
DETAIL Includes: Worker ID, Worker Name, Date, Patient Name, Duration, Rate, Amount, Type.
QUICKBOOKS EXPORT Includes: Worker Name, Regular Hours, Regular Pay Per Hour, Total Regular Pay, Overtime Hours, Overtime Pay Per Hour, Total Overtime Pay, Other, Adjustments, Total, Units (Hours x 4).


(SUMMARY sample report shown below) 


Authorize Service Warnings Report 


Sorting & Data Included
  • Month 
  • Warning Type 
  • Visit Type 
  • Patient 
  • Threshold (%) 
Sorted by Patient Last Name.
Includes: Patient Name, Start-End Dates, Visit Type, Period, Authorized Hours/Units, Prediction %, Remaining Units, Remaining Visits, Recommendations, Period Warnings, Monthly Warnings, Seek 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5.




Quarterly Unit Usage Report 


Sorting & Data Included
  • Year 
  • Quarter 
Sorted by Visit Type Category.
Includes: Agency, Visit Type Category, Total Paid Claims, Number of Patients, Total Units Authorized, Total Units Delivered, Agency Total.




Invoice Summary Report 

(Found under Billing) 


Sorting & Data Included
  • Month 
  • Referring program 
  • Patient 
Sorted by Date.
Includes: Date, Agency, Name, Invoice Total, Amount, Type, Chank Number, Account Number, Notes, Total Paid.